Weekly Holy Moly Report — Opening Day
Weekly Holy Moly Report April 30th- May 2nd: Kokanee, Triploids, and Lingcod
Holy Moly Outdoors Kokanee Lake Chelan Kokanee Lingcod Opening Day Puget Sound Triploids Trout Fishing Weekly Report
For this week's Holy Moly Report we got to cover some ground in Washington State. Fresh and Saltwater, big and tasty to small and feisty. This last weekend had it all. Starting with Saturday I got the invite to head eastward with my buddy Sean to chase some Lake Chelan Kokanee. We started at 2:30am Saturday morning and headed over the pass. Arriving on the lake just after sunrise we began searching for the Chelan silver bullets. Fishing wasn't red hot to start out with and frankly it was a tough bite all day as the fish were spread out. But...
Holy Moly Weekly Report April 23rd 2016: Opening Day Trout Martha Lake
Holy Moly Outdoors Martha Lake Opening Day Trout Fishing Weekly Report Wicked Lures
Opening Day for the lowland lakes in Washington is one of my favorite times of the year. This day brings me back to my roots, being on the water with my dad when I was a kid catching fish and getting excited about the great sport I now know and love. For me every opening day brings back those fond memories and the chance to make new ones. Opening Day was made for kids and first time fishing inductees. Thousands of trout await these anglers and the bite is fast and furious. Nothing better than getting a kid their first...