Weekly Holy Moly Report — Sockeye
2016 Season on Lake Wenatchee
Eastern Washington Holy Moly Outdoors Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Velocity
2016 has been an epic year for Holy Moly Outdoors and I cannot think of a better way to end the month of August then with a look back on the great fishing we had on lake Wenatchee this season. This was the first year with my own boat on the lake and I had such a great time catching these tasty fish. There are a few people I want to thank for helping me get a quick jump start on my success for this fishery, Sam Baird Jordan Osborn and Kenny Jans thank you all for your help. I...
Weekly Holy Moly Report July 31st: Lake Wenatchee Sockeye
Holy Moly Outdoors Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Velocity Weekly Report
Back at it again for another go round of sockeye fishing as we took the short jump over the mountains to Lake Wenatchee. This was one of those humbling trips you hate to experience but help you learn a lot. We started off launching at 4am at the Glacier Peak campground, weather was perfect (hot forecast for the day and no wind). Perfect timing to get on the fish. Right from the start we were marking good schools and anticipation grew with each minute of rods slamming. We saw other boats near us finding some biters but we could not...
Weekly Holy Moly Report July 24th: Lake Wenatchee Sockeye
Holy Moly Outdoors Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Velocity
Last week one of my favorite new fisheries opened up on the 20th: Lake Wenatchee Sockeye fishing. This is such a fun place to fish as I got to experience it for the first time last year. I could not wait to get the boat ready and be out on the water for the weekend. This trip was also a very special one as I got the opportunity to take my girlfriend, her mom and her nephew. All of which had not caught a salmon before, so this trip was going to be a special one. We left the...