Weekly Holy Moly Report — Puget Sound Blackmouth
Holy Moly Weekly Report April 10th 2016: Steelhead, Blackmouth, Kokanee Oh My!
Cowlitz River Steelhead Holy Moly Outdoors Kokanee Lake Stevens Puget Sound Blackmouth Weekly Report
What a three day weekend! This was much needed fishing time to get me through a tough work week. With the kitchen pass open I headed out the door Thursday night for some Cowlitz River Steelhead and Springers in the Morning. I was too anxious upon getting to the river to even think about sleeping as I saw multiple people walking out with nice steelhead caught just before I had arrived. (Note: The Cowlitz river is open legally at night for steelhead fishing at the blue creek trout hatchery). I quickly threw on my hip waders, grabbed my gear and set...