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Holy Moly Weekly Report April 23rd 2016: Opening Day Trout Martha Lake

Holy Moly Outdoors Martha Lake Opening Day Trout Fishing Weekly Report Wicked Lures

Opening Day for the lowland lakes in Washington is one of my favorite times of the year.  This day brings me back to my roots, being on the water with my dad when I was a kid catching fish and getting excited about the great sport I now know and love.  For me every opening day brings back those fond memories and the chance to make new ones.  Opening Day was made for kids and first time fishing inductees.  Thousands of trout await these anglers and the bite is fast and furious.  Nothing better than getting a kid their first fish, and starting a new generation of fishermen and women.

For me, I have a local lake that I have always love to visit.  Close to home and the fishing is always good.  I got the float tube ready and headed for the boat launch just before light.  I met my buddies at the launch, quickly got the gear together, and we were in the water before the crowds came.  I brought two rods and a small amount of tackle to target these stocked trout- a 3wt fly rod and a spiderman kids rod for fun.  Wouldn't you know 10 ft out from the launch my fly gets slammed.  First fish hits the net at 18", fat and full of fight.  Matt got a cookie cutter of the same just after I landed mine.  2 fish in less than 5 minutes of fishing that were both over 16".  You can't beat that!  Got the chance to call in the report on Northwest Wild Country Radio show as well.  Pretty cool start to the morning. (look for the audio on the upcoming video for the trip) 

 Wicked lures were the main ticket for the opening day trout, and I will tell you they killed it.  So many fish caught and some big ones at that!  Matt had the hot rod getting the big triploids on the pink and chart wicked.  Joel had the hot rod for the most fish going as well with the black and purple wicked.

Opening day didn't disappoint! We had a blast getting out and catching lots of numbers and quality fish.  So great to see these bigger fish getting stocked and kids being on the water to enjoy the time.  Between the 7 triploids we kept for 3 guys, we had a combined weight of over 10.55lbs.  Not to bad for a small local lake!  Thanks for coming out Matt and Joel!  Another successful and fun opener in the books!

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