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Holy Moly Report Feb 8th 2016

Cowlitz Smelt Run 2016 Weekly Report

Holy Moly Weekly Report February 8th 2016-- Hello everyone and a happy February to all!  As we dive into our first Weekly Report for 2016 I wanted to do a two for one special.  We had an awesome day of fishing this last weekend and a special event going on this week as well that I wanted to share.  First let’s take a look at the fishing report:

Cowlitz Smelt Dipping 2-6-2016

I (Rick) had the great opportunity to jump on the Smelt opener for the Cowlitz this year and couldn’t have asked for a better trip for my first experience.  I received a lot of input on places to go and easy spots to access.  Since the opening was a short time window 7am to 1pm, I tried to get down there as soon as I could.  My destination was Castle Rock, WA along the Cowlitz river banks.  It didn’t take long to figure out where to go as the lineup of parked cars lead the way for me.  I chose a spot that was a little less crowded with cars and on the opposite side of the main popular boat launch in town.  I believe the correct name is Camelot. 

Anyways, by the time I arrived about 7:45am, there were people already leaving with limits.  Great sign and a confidence booster for me.  I found myself a good spot and squeezed in.  I was in the smelt on the first dip.  This is a type of fishery to not be discouraged by the crowds.  There is a rotation of people limiting and leaving.  You may have to wait for a spot to open, but everyone will get a chance.  As quickly as I got there and got set up I was limited.  Only took 10 minutes and was a blast.  I had my 10 pounds of smelt and ready to go chase some steelhead to top off the rest of the morning.  The steelhead had other plans, but it was a great and blessed day spent on the water.


Now Part 2 of this week's report is a special event that you do not want to miss out on.  The Portland Sportsman Show held a the expo center in Portland, OR.  This show is the the creme of the crop here in the Northwest.  Top Guides, Vendors, Retailers, and Outdoor enthusiasts flock to this show to learn from the pros and see the new products for 2016.  I highly recommend making a trip if you can.  I know that I will be there.  While you are there, check out Pro-Staff Partners of Holy Moly Outdoors and their great products on display.  The show starts tomorrow the 10th and goes through the 14th.


Thanks for tuning in for the Weekly Holy Moly Outdoors Report.  Stay tuned for more information and reports on the latest happenings here at Holy Moly.  God Bless and Fish On!



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